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Thursday, November 1, 2012

to feel good about in any experience

Appreciation & Blessing Journal by Sharon Wilson
Have you ever noticed that sometimes you are on a positive roll where everything seems to be golden with doors opening everywhere? And at other times it seems as if nothing you do works out,so don't be one of them. By spending a bit of time researching the best way to answer job interview questions?
How things work out depends upon what you place your attention. If you make it your goal to look for things to appreciate, to feel good about in any experience, even the smallest things will produce a higher vibration.
As you increase your vibration, the Law of Attraction says you'll be attracting more of what you appreciate!
When you acknowledge something you want, and talk about why you want it, you'll begin to see evidence of it coming into your life all the time. If you feel good about it right now right now even if you don't have it (but it's coming!) you'll get into vibrational harmony with it and it will come into your experience.
It works the same way when you look at things you don't want, when you focus on qualities you don't like in other people, or when you talk about how you have been "stuck here for so long," or worry about "what if this and that happens" — the Universe delivers exactly what you are focusing on.
You get to choose. The law of Attraction says that you get what you focus on.
Use this amazing process to raise your vibration level every day and attract more of what you want in your life:
Make a list of people you are currently in relationship with in business and in your personal life both good and not-so-good relationships.
Write the name of each person on a separate page in your notebook, allowing several pages per person,Ugg Classic Tall.
Create a page for you.
Each day, write a few things you admire and respect about each person, making sure that what you add is true,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Chocolate Boots.
You'll notice that, as you appreciate qualities in other people, they'll start using those qualities more often when they are with you!
This isn't a method to change other people, it's about how to bring out the qualities that others have that you admire. As you acknowledge positive qualities in others, you'll vibrate the same qualities in yourself and that will attract even more of the desired qualities them.
The more you appreciate someone, the more that person will act in a way that pleases you. You'll be particularly surprised about the improved behavior of people you usually have difficulty with once you start appreciating them!
Have you ever noticed that when you envy someone or feel jealous, your energy is drained? Add a Blessing Section in your notebook and whenever you compare yourself with someone and come up short,Start believing that you deserve to be happy - Many women that are abused start to believe that they don't deserve to be happy. This is not true at all. Every woman deserves it, write about it in your journal.
1. What is the comparison? What quality, talent, or object does that other person have that you want?
2. Bless that person's prosperity. There's plenty to go around, so be thankful for the evidence that what you envy in someone else is possible for you to have, and be happy that the other person has it.
3. Let the essence of their experience come into you. Allow yourself to feel what it would be like to have the very thing you are envying.
This is how to get what you want without the negative effects of envy or jealousy,Perform A Reality Check.
You might notice that someone else has made a total success at a business that is similar to yours.
Instead of being brought down by envy, you can look at it as a marvelous thing, ask the universe to continue blessing that other person with good business, and send you the same thing. "I'll have what she's having,5815 Ugg Classic Tall Black Boots!"

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